Genuine Mopar Long Block Engine 68565534ac
Part can be found as #2 in the diagram above
Product Description
IMPORTANT: Long Block Engines Only Internal Cylinder Block/Head Parts Only. Intake Manifolds, Oil Filter Adapter Housing Assembly And Oil Pan Are Not Included.
Brand Mopar Manufacturer Part Number68565534acSKU68565534ACProductGenuine Mopar Long Block Engine 68565534acReplaces68565534AA, 68565534AB
Terms and Conditions
Compatibility Guarantee (optional free service):
Applies when you include your VIN during or before checkout. Simply click Message to Seller during checkout and include your VIN with any relevant details (ex: driver/ passenger side). Our fitment experts will confirm compatibility before shipping. If we determine that you purchased an incompatible part, we will correct your order if possible. If we cannot correct your order, we will notify you of the issue (ex:Â discontinued item) and give you the option to cancel.
Part Authenticity and Warranty Guarantee:
When you order from us, we guarantee that you will receive a genuine, OEM part. We do not stock anything aftermarket! Our parts are warrantied nationwide for 1 year at every Mopar (Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram) or General Motors (Chevrolet/Buick/GM/GMC) dealer in the country, depending on the brand of part you ordered. We are able to provide documentation that proves the validity of your purchase from our licensed dealership at anytime upon request. This documentation can be used to redeem this warranty if needed at the dealership of your choice and at no cost to you.
Return Policy
All of our products can be returned within 30 days. Please open a request for any of these reasons:
- Doesn t Fit
- Changed My Mind
- Found a Better Price
- Just Didn t Like it
- Ordered by Mistake
The reason you pick has no impact on your refund amount, but it has a big impact on us as a seller. Choosing other reasons may delay the refund per an internal investigation and potential appeal. If a part fails at anytime during the 1 year warranty period, any licensed new car dealership in the country that carries your brand of vehicle will replace the part for free. Simply request our dealer invoice for the part and provide it to your preferred dealer along with the defective part.
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